Troubled for 14 years by ugly burns

Maxwell was badly burned when he was a baby, and the boy had to live with the ailments until he was 14 years old. Then he received treatment at the Lira Rehabilitation Center. Now the teenager is back in the village, and continues at the school where he goes again to the fifth grade.

He was first operated on in Kampala, and then he received physiotherapy treatment at the center. Our people in Lira say the teenager has achieved a significant improvement in his quality of life. Maxwell went to school before coming to the center, and at the center the school hours were adapted to his level of education. Now Maxwell is back at his old school.

Maxwell's general condition is a lot better than for most people in his situation, our people in Lira say. This is because, despite his disability, he has received love and care at home. In addition, his parents sent him to school, which is a rather unusual attitude on the part of parents of disabled children.

The whole village rejoiced when Maxwell returned home. In keeping with the best of Ugandan culture and tradition, his family says they pray for the Adina Foundation in the Lira and Adina Foundation. The family hopes Adina will continue her work in this part of Uganda.

- We have no way we can pay you back, but God will give you the reward you deserve, says Maxwell's father. - We did not think our son's hand could achieve such an improvement, and now he goes to school like any healthy child, he adds.

Adina Foundation's social worker Loy got even more nice words to take home. An official in the municipality also showed up on his return, and he thanked warmly for the good work Adina does both in his municipality Barr and in the neighboring municipalities.